Trading with a day job


Trading with a day job


Trading with a day job


Trading with a day job


Trading with a day job

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New look

Yay or Nay?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Have a nice holiday

Back after the holidays!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Last day for this year for me

Won't do any trading for the rest of the year. (Sounds like a long time, doesn't it?)

There were three opportunities to take advantage of yesterday. (One was RD, so perhaps that could have been ignored...) 

I wish you all a very nice time and happy holidays until we meet in the beginning of january.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Psychology... or is it?

As you know I'm struggling a bit with pulling the trigger at the moment. A few too many losses in a row has done that to me. Not to worry, I'll get going again, but as for now I'm just a spectator. 

Both was pointed out, and in hindsight they are excellent. When we were there, I didn't think so. 
The first wasn't optimal, perhaps, since we had orange news coming up. 
The second was available on 15 minutes timeframe. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Definetly not a trading post

This is impressive. 

What does it take to be good at this? Or trading?

EDIT: Link for easy access

Monday, December 3, 2012

Closing a winning trade...

... at the right time.

I got 6 pips from this. It was up a bit higher, but never reached 20. 
Although not winning 20, I feel that this is what trading is about - reacting to what the chart tells you.

And the chart just said we had a bullish RD-trade with some nice resistance. (No, I didn't take that trade, because I was busy closing and documenting my trade. Maybe I should do it later on.) 

Placed in my new favourite category.
Future Reference. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Good trade...

... and we all missed it.

It is here for future reference. 
Future reference is a new category on the blog that could be useful... (see the label below) 

And what is the candle pattern called? 
First correct answer wins a black and white colour radio. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Missed the good one

I just missed this one. Long shadow with RD. 
Looked away and it was 2-3 ticks below my entry.... 

Normally we don't take RD trades, but with good resistance, it is hard not to. 

Unless one misses it, of course. :) 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Definetly not a trading post

A long weekend off from trading. I recommend a movie.

If you haven't seen it already, Skyfall was fracking brilliant. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A debatable trade

I  had to leave at 18:10 today, and when I left, I thought: "This is a trade most must have taken in the chat room." 
So, did you? 

Of course, that is depending on how you look upon the trading before/during the 18:00 reversal. (17:00 for you on a weird time scale.) 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Definetly not a trading post

Hope you have a nice weekend.
Here is an old classic.
(Old, in internet-years, that is...)

Evolution of dance! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Trading with hindsight

Penrice (?) said that it would have been easy to watch 2 charts on slow nights. 

The 15 minute chart should be up at most times,(no, I don't have that too often) but it shouldn't be checked for trends, rather for its own trades. It follows the same rules as TWADJ does... 
(Remember that a trade on 5 min can contradict a trade on 15 min. Trend-variations happen on 5 min charts first.) 

The problem is that the candles are a bit bigger and thus also the SL. Always go for a 1:1 ratio. That's the best recommendation I've gotten... 

With hindsight one could have taken this Extra TWADJ trade today. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A regular divergence trade...

... that I didn't take, but saving here for future reference. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Definetly not a trading post

... and not really funny either.

But darn good. Any 35+ man can identify with it.
One have to like Brad Paisley, even if he stole Kimberly Williams.

And this was post 200!!!1!one!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Forexfactory is a great place to get the news. If there is something marked red in the news and it concerns the US, it is a good idea to sit any trade out that occurs just before (½ hour) the news.

Today, newly re-elected president Obama was going to speak. It was a yellow news-marker. Yellow means little or no impact on the market. BUT, according to Bloomberg he was going to talk about the fiscal cliff. That is not a popular subject among the traders. To be honest, Obama isn't popular among the traders to begin with. Those two factors hinted that the impact might be bigger than suggested. 
And it was.

Lesson of today: Rely on more than one news-source.

He started speaking at 19:10 on the charts. 
(Ignore the Regular Divergence. It was just to show how it is drawn.) 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Interesting question

Here was a helluva trade... or maybe not.

The signal was 5 minutes before start, but the 'trigger' was bang on target.

Is it still a trade? 

I have mailed Sir Nick and will let you know as soon as possible. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Close but it worked

I'm going to be more selective about trades posted here. 
The trade have to have something special to be posted.

The post today is not really interesting, but it followed a 2% drop which wasn't the optimal start after the presidential election I suppose. 

Also, it was very close to be stopped out, but it held. Phew. I'll never get used to those close calls. 

Money Management

I've done a lot of reading lately about how to handle your bankroll. 
There are systems out there based on just placing a trade, and if it loses, double up the stakes... and so on. 
That system is called Martingale, and it was invented in an attempt to beat the roulette in the 1700's. 

Now, I did a lot of roulette-beating studies a few years back, and the reason one cannot beat it is that no matter what you do, the house has a 2,7% (5,4% on American Roulette) advantage on you. That means that in the long run you'll always lose. You might win a little while, but when you least expect it, it goes in to 14 reds in a row. (Now, try to double up that! 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048... etc. And the roof of the house is usally about 200, so you can see where it fails. And even if it didn't, I've seen 18 reds in a row. Imagine trying to bet that to gain 1.) 

But here is what came from my roulette studies. No system can beat it, but if you had the upper hand, 2,7% in your favour, you'd win, no matter what you did, almost. You'd still lose the Martingale, though.) 
The best system I ever saw was as follows.

Bet £4 on Red. If you lose, go to £5. If you still lost, bet £6. Won? Go back to £5. Won again? Start over, at £4.  
In theory even if you just win every other bet, you'll win. 
This is the closest I've seen beating the roulett, but it doesn't.

It doesn't mean that we can't use it for our trading. In fact, I found it to be excellent for trading. We have about 10-30% advantage on the house (the house in this case being the market). 

On a 1:1 R:R trade, bet £4. If you lose, increase 25% (which means bet £5). Every time you win, you lower your stakes by 1, but no lower than £4, which is your base bet. 
Naturally, this can vary a bit. If your BR is small, bet £1. If you lose, bet £ 1,25 etc... And if it is bigger, bet more. It is the ratio of base bet and increase that is most imporant. 

I did a trial on this, and it is never above 7, and quite rarely above 5. There seems to be no risk in the bankroll being busted, yet it is quite profitable. 

Here are my results. For simplicity I have counted 20 for a win and 20 for a loss. These are my 189 latest TWADJ trades. In the end, we'd won 740 more units with the Money Management than with the flat bet. 

We always say that we shouldn't worry about money and focus on the pips, but to be honest, if we are to treat this as a business, how can we not be aware of the money at all times? What serious business owner would NOT know his financial status? 

Hope it helps someone. Go and try it on your own results. 

Trade Pips Trade/pip Result 5000 Flat bet Res without MM
1 20 4 5080
4 5080
2 -20 4 5000
4 5000
3 20 5 5100
4 5080
4 20 4 5180
4 5160
5 20 4 5260
4 5240
6 20 4 5340
4 5320
7 20 4 5420
4 5400
8 20 4 5500
4 5480
9 20 4 5580
4 5560
10 20 4 5660
4 5640
11 20 4 5740
4 5720
12 20 4 5820
4 5800
13 20 4 5900
4 5880
14 -20 4 5820
4 5800
15 -20 5 5720
4 5720
16 20 6 5840
4 5800
17 20 5 5940
4 5880
18 20 4 6020
4 5960
19 20 4 6100
4 6040
20 -20 4 6020
4 5960
21 20 5 6120
4 6040
22 20 4 6200
4 6120
23 20 4 6280
4 6200
24 -20 5 6180
4 6120
25 20 4 6260
4 6200
26 20 4 6340
4 6280
27 20 4 6420
4 6360
28 -20 4 6340
4 6280
29 20 5 6440
4 6360
30 20 4 6520
4 6440
31 20 4 6600
4 6520
32 20 4 6680
4 6600
33 20 4 6760
4 6680
34 -20 4 6680
4 6600
35 20 5 6780
4 6680
36 -20 4 6700
4 6600
37 20 5 6800
4 6680
38 20 4 6880
4 6760
39 20 4 6960
4 6840
40 20 4 7040
4 6920
41 20 4 7120
4 7000
42 20 4 7200
4 7080
43 20 4 7280
4 7160
44 20 4 7360
4 7240
45 20 4 7440
4 7320
46 -20 4 7360
4 7240
47 20 5 7460
4 7320
48 20 4 7540
4 7400
49 -20 4 7460
4 7320
50 20 5 7560
4 7400
51 20 4 7640
4 7480
52 20 4 7720
4 7560
53 20 4 7800
4 7640
54 20 4 7880
4 7720
55 20 4 7960
4 7800
56 20 4 8040
4 7880
57 20 4 8120
4 7960
58 20 4 8200
4 8040
59 20 4 8280
4 8120
60 20 4 8360
4 8200
61 20 4 8440
4 8280
62 -20 4 8360
4 8200
63 20 5 8460
4 8280
64 20 4 8540
4 8360
65 20 4 8620
4 8440
66 20 4 8700
4 8520
67 20 4 8780
4 8600
68 20 4 8860
4 8680
69 20 4 8940
4 8760
70 -20 4 8860
4 8680
71 20 5 8960
4 8760
72 -20 4 8880
4 8680
73 20 5 8980
4 8760
74 20 4 9060
4 8840
75 20 4 9140
4 8920
76 20 4 9220
4 9000
77 20 4 9300
4 9080
78 20 4 9380
4 9160
79 20 4 9460
4 9240
80 20 4 9540
4 9320
81 -20 4 9460
4 9240
82 20 5 9560
4 9320
83 20 4 9640
4 9400
84 20 4 9720
4 9480
85 -20 4 9640
4 9400
86 20 5 9740
4 9480
87 20 4 9820
4 9560
88 -20 4 9740
4 9480
89 20 5 9840
4 9560
90 20 4 9920
4 9640
91 20 4 10000
4 9720
92 -20 4 9920
4 9640
93 20 5 10020
4 9720
94 20 4 10100
4 9800
95 20 4 10180
4 9880
96 -20 4 10100
4 9800
97 20 5 10200
4 9880
98 -20 4 10120
4 9800
99 20 5 10220
4 9880
100 20 4 10300
4 9960
101 20 4 10380
4 10040
102 20 4 10460
4 10120
103 -20 4 10380
4 10040
104 20 5 10480
4 10120
105 20 4 10560
4 10200
106 20 4 10640
4 10280
107 20 4 10720
4 10360
108 20 4 10800
4 10440
109 20 4 10880
4 10520
110 -20 4 10800
4 10440
111 20 5 10900
4 10520
112 -20 4 10820
4 10440
113 20 5 10920
4 10520
114 20 4 11000
4 10600
115 20 4 11080
4 10680
116 -20 4 11000
4 10600
117 20 5 11100
4 10680
118 20 4 11180
4 10760
119 20 4 11260
4 10840
120 20 4 11340
4 10920
121 -20 4 11260
4 10840
122 -20 5 11160
4 10760
123 20 6 11280
4 10840
124 -20 5 11180
4 10760
125 20 6 11300
4 10840
126 20 5 11400
4 10920
127 20 4 11480
4 11000
128 20 4 11560
4 11080
129 20 4 11640
4 11160
130 20 4 11720
4 11240
131 20 4 11800
4 11320
132 20 4 11880
4 11400
133 -20 4 11800
4 11320
134 20 5 11900
4 11400
135 -20 4 11820
4 11320
136 20 5 11920
4 11400
137 20 4 12000
4 11480
138 20 4 12080
4 11560
139 20 4 12160
4 11640
140 20 4 12240
4 11720
141 20 4 12320
4 11800
142 20 4 12400
4 11880
143 20 4 12480
4 11960
144 -20 4 12400
4 11880
145 20 5 12500
4 11960
146 20 4 12580
4 12040
147 20 4 12660
4 12120
148 -25 4 12560
4 12020
149 20 5 12660
4 12100
150 20 4 12740
4 12180
151 20 4 12820
4 12260
152 20 4 12900
4 12340
153 20 4 12980
4 12420
154 -20 4 12900
4 12340
155 20 5 13000
4 12420
156 20 4 13080
4 12500
157 20 4 13160
4 12580
158 20 4 13240
4 12660
159 20 4 13320
4 12740
160 20 4 13400
4 12820
161 20 4 13480
4 12900
162 20 4 13560
4 12980
163 -20 4 13480
4 12900
164 20 5 13580
4 12980
165 20 4 13660
4 13060
166 -20 4 13580
4 12980
167 20 5 13680
4 13060
168 20 4 13760
4 13140
169 20 4 13840
4 13220
170 20 4 13920
4 13300
171 -20 4 13840
4 13220
172 20 5 13940
4 13300
173 20 4 14020
4 13380
174 20 4 14100
4 13460
175 -20 4 14020
4 13380
176 20 5 14120
4 13460
177 20 4 14200
4 13540
178 -20 4 14120
4 13460
179 -20 5 14020
4 13380
180 20 6 14140
4 13460
181 -20 5 14040
4 13380
182 20 6 14160
4 13460
183 20 5 14260
4 13540
184 -20 4 14180
4 13460
185 20 5 14280
4 13540
186 20 4 14360
4 13620
187 20 4 14440
4 13700
188 20 4 14520
4 13780
189 -20 4 14440
4 13700

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