The market isn't behaving as is usually does. Guess the upcoming EU summit is making it hesitate a bit.
I had one trade today and lost 16 pips.
There were 2 more TWADJ-trades. One of -14 and one of +30-40. Should have broken even hadn't I enjoyed a pizza, beer and a very poor soccer game.
The soccer is still going on. One of the dullest games so far.
-16 pips, -880 SEK
Start: 25 000 SEK
BR Now: 40 368 SEK
For the followers of TWADJ, here are the other two trades.
Work it out... ;)
Edit 2: This was post 100. I have had 3 blogs before this one, and none of them has even reached half of that number. Yay!
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