Monday, December 12, 2011

Spread betting intro

I'm spread betting. Basically that is trading in stocks, foreign currencies and indicies - with a leverage.

If you want to know more, I recommend the excellent site Baby Pips. There you'll see what this is about.
Every result is calculated in pips. One pip can be anything from 10 pence, cents etc and upwards.

The lowest bet is about 1 EUR per pip (professionals minimum) up to... well, up to anything really. I don't think there is any upper limit - the financial market is huge.

The goal is to get 20 pips per day. (I'm compounding my Bank Roll, to increase winnings and will never present any actual money, just the number of pips.)
(It makes sense, since when you start out, your pip might be worth £1, but after compounding it for a few months, it might very well be worth £20. And yes, when you bet £20 per pip, life is gravy.)

I'll present charts on where I traded as well as provide useful links for those a bit more interested.

In Sweden, where I live, there is a tax of 30% on winnings. I'm currently looking in to the possibility to trade on a british server. In good old England, there is, not yet anyway, no taxes on winnings from spread betting since it is concidered a game and totally random. We'll see if that is a possibility. 30% is a lot... or at least, it will be.


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