Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Only one trade today

And it didn't even reach 20 pips. 
Big news were coming, and there is no point in staying in then. That's gambling, and we are trading. 

This was the trade for today, though.
If you were out at 19:30 (18:30), you'd make 15 pips or so... 


  1. Hej Thomas!
    Jag såg din sida genom ftsincome..Nyss blivit medlem där ja..lite nyfiken på den här sortens trading.Var det smidigt att går över till det här från sportens värld?:)

    får gärna maila mig:

    MVh Daniel

  2. That's an important question.

    Hey, readers. He asks if it was easy to go from betting on sports to trading on the financial market.
    Was the transgression easy, and what did you have most problems with? Least problems?

    Thank you,


  3. For me, I would say the move from sports to trading is actually relieving.

    With sports, you can have plenty of knowledge, but the big rush to do all the event-day stuff can be a bit hard.. for example.. in horse racing, the going on a track can change several times on race day, non-runners are declared throughout the day as well which can really change the dynamics of the race, meaning you have to go back and make new calculations.. The same for football, the manager can announce his team with only an hour to spare meaning you have to fit in your judgement of 11 Vs 11 in under an hour even if you are in the middle of other things or else you risk losing the value on your bet.

    With trading though.. You have the knowledge, but everything is relaxed during the trading session.. you make your moves based on what you already know and some simple signals of what is currently happening.. No major calculations, no fuss..

  4. I also found it relieving! With the sports I was pretty much relying on other people to provide the bets/trades; but learning to trade the markets is something I will be able to do without relying on anyone else.

    With football trading, I would usually try to take as much profit as I could from a match because I desperately wanted my meagre bank to grow; which, of course is a recipe for disaster. I know I won't have that problem when trading the markets because the speed at which even a £1000 bank can turn into £4000 is frightening - in a good way!

    Tomas - you used the word 'transgression' in your post. The word you're after is 'transition'. Hope you don't mind me pointing it out! :) I know just 3 words in Swedish. :) But I'm learning!

    1. Thanks, Forever.
      What is the difference between transgression and transition?
      But yes, transition is probably the word. :)

  5. 'transgression' - violation of a law, a duty, code of conduct, established boundaries, etc. - He broke the law - He transgressed the law - He was guilty of the transgression.

    'transition' - Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another. His transition from sports trading to currency trading was easier than expected.

    Hope that helps! :)


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