Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not a bad tuesday

We got a signal almost straight away. The trade was close to exit at SL, but resistance held, as it often does. 
I was out at 39 pips. The cool kids could have gotten 100+. 

At the very end there was another 'recovery-trade'. I got 20 from that.

Good to see so many getting the hang of it so fast. 

It took some time, but it worked. 
This was taken in chat by a lot of people. 

This was too good a signal to ignore even
if it was very late in the evening.
(Remember that I'm one hour ahead of you.) 

One trade of 39 pips and one of 20.
2 145 SEK and 1 100 SEK.

Start: 25 000 SEK
BR Now: 49 003 SEK
(To get the £-value, divide by 10, and you get a rough estimate.)


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