Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Extra trade

Within TWADJ there are two extra trading systems. One of them gave a signal today, and although I haven't traded the extra systems a lot, I thought I'd give them a go now. 

A thing to remember is that it is probably not a good idea to trade the extra trades when there is no trend present... As with any other system. 

1 isn't much of a sample, but this one didn't work out. -27 pips. 

Ah, well...

There is always tomorrow!

-27 pips. - 3 240 SEK

Start: 25 000 SEK
BR Now: 103 003 SEK


  1. Oh Tomas, you should have Xtra traded tonight @2110 GKFX time, this one worked:), also a TWADJ signal too same time. 20 points.

    Cherkhan 10/10/12

  2. Yep, same trade as the 20:15 Extra trade.
    But I'm ignoring them for now. Live, that is.


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